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Different Types of Welding Rods Different Types of Welding Rods

Different Types of Welding Rods

Electrode Coating Position Current Penetration Tensile strenght
E6010 High cellulose sodium All Positions DCEP Deep 60 000 PSI
E6011 High cellulose potassium All Positions


Deep 60 000 PSI
E6012 High titania sodium All Positions


Medium 60 000 PSI
E6013 High titania potassium

All positions


Shallow 60 000 PSI
E7018 Iron power low hydrogen All positions


Shallow to medium 70 000 PSI
E7024 Iron power low hydrogen Flat horizental


Shallow to medium 70 000 PSI

How are welding rods named?

The initial pair of digits in the 4-digit number and the initial trio of digits in the 5-digit number serve as indicators for the tensile strength.

To illustrate, E6010 denotes a tensile strength of 60,000 pounds per square inch (PSI), while E10018 signifies a tensile strength of 100,000 psi.

The penultimate digit conveys information about the welding position:

"1" designates all-position electrodes, "2" pertains to flat and horizontal electrodes, and "4" corresponds to flat, horizontal, vertical down, and top electrodes. The concluding two digits delineate the coating type and welding current.

Introduction of Each Rods


Deposited Chemical Composition % (Typical) C = 0.08
Mn = 0.50
Si = 0.20
Deposited All Weld Metal Properties % (Typical) As Welded Tensile Strength 68,200 psi
Yield Strength 60,000 psi
Elongation in 2″ 26%
Recommended Welding Parameters Diameter Amperage
3/32″ 40-80
1/8″ 70-130
5/32″ 100-180

E6010 is an all position, cellulosic electrode that has a quick-starting, steady and deep penetrating arc. It produces x-ray quality welds in all positions. E6010 was developed for the pipe welding industry.

Typical Applications: general purpose fabrication, maintenance welding, out of position x-ray welds, construction and shipbuilding, pipe welding, vertical and overhead plate welding.

 Different Types of Welding Rods


Deposited Chemical Composition % (Typical) C = 0.08
Mn = 0.50
Si = 0.20
P = 0.012
S = 0.021
Deposited All Weld Metal Properties % (Typical) As Welded Tensile Strength 73,500 psi
Yield Strength 60,000 psi
Elongation in 2″ 24%
Reduction of Area 67%
Recommended Welding Parameters Diameter Amperage
3/32″ 70-80
1/8″ 110-130
5/32″ 130-160


E6011 is a mild-steel, all position electrode designed primarily for use on AC power sources.  It produces a strong arc force for deep penetration and a fine spray transfer that enhances operator appeal.  Fast freezing or rapid solidification of the metal allows welding in the vertical and overhead position.  Its light slag eliminates slag holes that are prevalent on some applications with other electrodes. This product can be suited in a wide range of applications.

Typical Applications:  general purpose fabrication, galvanized steel work, structural work, shipbuilding.


Deposited Chemical Composition % (Typical) C = 0.08
Mn = 0.50
Si = 0.40
Deposited All Weld Metal Properties % (Typical) As Welded Tensile Strength 76,500 psi
Yield Strength 66,500 psi
Elongation in 2″ 25%
Recommended Welding Parameters Diameter Amperage
3/32″ 60-110
1/8″ 90-140
5/32″ 110-180


E6013 is a mild-steel, all position, general purpose cellulose-base rod.  It operates on AC or DC welding current and works well on low voltage AC machines.  E6013 is an excellent choice where there is poor fit-up in the joint.  It deposits easily and smoothly producing medium to shallow penetration.  Small sizes are well adapted to low heat and thin metals.  Medium to heavy slag is easily removed and provides for excellent weld cleaning action during the welding process. E6013 is a great selection for all types of mild steel fabrications or repairs where ease of operation and good bead appearance are required

Typical Applications:  general purpose fabrication, metal buildings and structures, machine parts, shaft buildup


Deposited Chemical Composition % (Typical) C = 0.07 Ni = 0.02*
Mn = 0.87* Cr = 0.03*
Si = 0.61 Mo = 0.01*
P = 0.015 V = 0.01*
S = 0.011
Deposited All Weld Metal Properties % (Typical) As Welded Tensile Strength 82,670 psi
Yield Strength 69,610 psi
Elongation in 2″ 30%
Recommended Welding Parameters Diameter Amperage
3/32″ 80-110
1/8″ 100-1850
5/32″ 130-200


E7018 is a low-hydrogen iron powder type electrode that produces high quality x-ray welds.  It can be used in all positions on AC or DC reverse polarity welding current.  E7018/E7018-1 is recommended for welding medium grade carbon steels where no preheat is used, and on cold rolled steels normally exhibiting excessive porosity when welded with conventional electrodes.

Typical Applications:  low-alloy structurals, low, medium and high carbon steels, offshore rigs and power plants, steel structures, tack welds for tubular wire applications

 Different Types of Welding Rods


Deposited Chemical Composition % (Typical) C = 0.08 Ni = 0.02*
Mn = 0.78* Cr = 0.03*
Si = 0.35 Mo = 0.01*
P = 0.020 V = 0.01*
S = 0.014 Sum = 0.85
Deposited All Weld Metal Properties % (Typical) As Welded Tensile Strength 82,670 psi
Yield Strength 69,610 psi
Elongation in 2″ 28%
Recommended Welding Parameters Diameter Amperage
1/8″ 110-150
5/32″ 140-190
3/16″ 200-250


E7024 is a high speed, iron powder, heavy coated electrode for high deposition rates on horizontal and down hand welding.  Excellent bead appearance and self-cleaning slag give it operator appeal.  This electrode has good weldability and superior mechanical properties and is particularly useful in obtaining increased penetration with little or no root porosity in horizontal or positioned fillets.

Typical Applications:  shipbuilding, bridges, structural steels, machine bases, truck fabrication, storage tanks.

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1 comment

  • I would like too know ,What kools the welder down, If using large electrods .Such as 8018, or Jet Rods 7024. An how many Watts would it take too Weld with if not using Household 110,220,wattage .Thx

    Jeff hauck

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